January 2018
Dear Pastor and praying friends:
Happy New Year, I just heard it said the other day that this New Year is a brand-new book with 365 blank pages in it! The question is, how are we going to fill those pages?
I am going to, with the help of God, make sure that each of my blank pages start out with God. I am sure that those pages will also be full of many, many miles worth of traveling as we have already travelled a total of 60,920 miles in our vehicles; not counting the trips where we used other means of transportation. I am also going to add to those pages, Lord willing, many people receiving Christ as their Saviour.
We finished our year at my parent’s home for the whole month of December, resting and recuperating from 3 months of traveling. It was also wonderful to be able to spend time ministering and helping meet the needs of our sending church Coast Hills Baptist Church preaching when our Pastor was ill, filling in teaching the Junior Church, and leading the music for our main church services.
There is one thing that sticks out in my mind since our last prayer letter: during one of the many opportunities we had to going out soul winning, as I was witnessing to a certain man, he was agreeing with the Scriptures the whole time; that he was a sinner, that Christ died for him, but when I asked if he would like to make Christ his Savior, he looked at me and said, “No”. Since then, I have prayed for God’s working in his heart and that this man will receive the gift of salvation. It also has made me think about how people here in the US are becoming so cold to God and his love for us.
The Big News of this prayer letter is that we will start off this year with a support level of 33.36% with 18 churches or individuals supporting our vision of what is needed to leave for Language School and then Mozambique. We hope to close the gap of the two thirds in 2018 for our full support.
Thank you, so very much, for your financial and prayer support as we continue to make our way to Mozambique. In Christ’s Service, The Tayler Norris Family, your missionaries to Mozambique
Deuteronomy 33:27
I Thessalonians 5:25 “Brethren, pray for us.”
Prayer Requests:
- Safety as we, continue traveling
- For our Trailer that we would not have any problems with it as we approach the winter months
- We will be able to schedule meetings and fill our calendar.
- We will raise the support needed to go to the field.
- For the People of Mozambique that God would work even now in the hearts and lives of the people to prepare them for the Gospel.
- For our ability to learn quickly as we begin to study Portuguese and as we continue a course in Biblical Studies to complete our required classes.
- For our continued good health, so that there will be no setbacks on the Deputation Trail.
- That our Spiritual lives will remain close to God and for us to grow each and every day closer to him, and that we would not stray from His will or be caught up in the snares of the Devil.