May 2021 Volume 6 Issue 3
Dear Pastor and praying friends:
We are Finished! We graduated from Bible Baptist Translators Institute, Saturday May 15th at 11am!
Our last set of classes were a challenge, we had New Testament Greek, Bible Translation, Indigenous Church Planting Principles, and TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language).
After taking NTG and Bible Translation, I can say we as English Speakers are truly blessed that we have the Bible in our language. These classes have given me a greater appreciation for the men that God used, not only to pen the Bible originally, but also the men that translated it into English. It has also given me a greater prayer burden for those working to translate the Bible into Languages that don’t have the Word of God and to pray for more laborers to go into the work of Translation.
We will now be moving on to a very crazy summer ahead of us. Lord willing, we will be finishing up our paperwork to go to Language School in August down in Brazil, going to three weddings for family and friends, One final meeting on the road, and our sending service at our home church. Pray with us that all of these things will go smoothly and be accomplished in a quick timing.
We have been praying for quite some time that if God would allow, we could find a young lady that would come with us to language school to help Lorin with the children, so that Lorin and I can both take the classes and learn Portuguese together. Over the last several years we have talked to a few young ladies and nothing ever came of these conversations. Well, one of the young ladies, that was here at BBTI with us over this past year, has agreed to come with us and be that help with the children. She is a very sweet and godly young lady and we have enjoyed getting to know her. We truly believe that she is an answer to prayer. Pray with us that God’s will, will be done through this arrangement.
We currently have 96% of our support coming in, and we are praying that God will increase our support level to 100% quickly. There is much for which to praise the Lord, but specifically, I’d like to thank Him for the safety He has provided as we have traveled back and forth from school to church the past several months.
Be sure to keep an eye out next month for our family update.
I Thessalonians 5:25 “Brethren, pray for us.”
Prayer Requests:
- For us to be able to get the proper paperwork to go to language school.
- For the many Churches that have said they would like to take us on for support, pray God would enable them to have the finances to support us.
- For our current supporting churches as some are having financial struggles.
- For our raised support that it will continue, and that God will bless our supporting churches.
- For the People of Mozambique that God would work even now in the hearts and lives of the people to prepare them for the Gospel.
- For our ability to learn quickly when we begin to study Portuguese.
- For our continued good health.
- That our Spiritual lives will remain close to God, for us to grow each day closer to him, and not stray from His will or be caught up in the snares of the Devil.